Jarek Cemerek

undefinedVystudoval tanec na konzervatoři v Ostravě, dále choreografii a taneční pedagogiku na HAMU, absolvoval studijní pobyt na Divadelní Akademii v Helsinkách. Uměleckou dráhu začal jako tanečník v Národním divadle v Ostravě, odkud přešel do Prahy a tančil v Laterně Magice a ve Státní Opeře. Poté tancoval v Bratislavském divadle tanca, v souborech La Terra Nuova (Itálie), Tanztheaterwien (Vídeň), Thor (Brusel), Willy Dorner (Vídeň), Edita Braun (Salcburk), dále v Dance Theatre of Ireland, Stadttheater Bern (Švýcarsko) a v Royal Opera House (Londýn). V roce 2009 založil soubor současného tance Albamora v Dánsku. Jako pedagog působil v mnoha tanečních souborech a na tanečních festivalech. The Juilliard School in New York, Iwanson School in Munich, na Divadelní Akademii v Helsinkách, ve Stadttheater Bern, Jayne Persch School (USA), Royal Ballet School v Holstebro (Dánsko). Dále pak učil v Los Angeles a v Long Beach in California. V ČR vyučuje balet, moderní tanec, jazz dance a pilates ve studiu Dance Perfect Praha. Kontaktní improvizace V kontaktní improvizaci používám myšlenku spolupráce v duetu, ale také ve skupinách nebo jako sólo pomocí fyzických objektů (podlaha, stěny, židle, atd.) jako kontaktního místa. Každá lekce je jiná, záleží na úrovni tanečníků. Mou prioritou je propojit se s každým tanečníkem, každou osobností a použít výměnu zkušeností a kvality pohybu. Vedu tanečníky k pochopení techniky ??na přenosu váhy, sdílení váhy, protiváhy, rolování, pádu, pozastavení a zvedání. Moderna Tato lekce má za cíl podpořit pocit uvědomění si svého těla a efektivity pohybu, jakož i fyzické artikulace. Začneme s jednoduchými cvičeními pro vystavění síly a vytvoření dobrého základu pro další tanec. Zvláštní důraz dávám na zdravou pohyblivost těla, efektivní využití váhy, pády na podlahu, skoky atd.

JAREK CEMEREK is an established choreographer, teacher and dancer working around the world. He studied classical dance at the Conservatory in Ostrava (CZ), BA choreography and MA dance pedagogy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, dance at the Theatre Academy in Helsinki. He began his artistic career as a classical dancer and continued as a contemporary dancer. He danced with the National Theatre in Ostrava, the State Opera and Laterna Magica in Prague, Tanztheater Wien (Vienna), Compagnie Thor (Brussels), Willi Dorner (Vienna), Stadttheater Bern (Switzerland), Jo Strømgren, Hofesh Shechter, Alexander Ekman,  Crystal Pite, at the Royal Opera House (London) and many others.  Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London presented his piece Void, choreographed for the male dance company BalletBoyz. (J. Cemerek was chosen from 160 choreographers participating in the audition.) He was invited to choreograph for the seniors at the Juilliard School in New York. In 2011, he was awarded Czech Dance Platform’s Dance Piece of the Year and Dancer of the Year.  He won the Professorship in Contemporary Dance at A. Bruckner University in Linz (Austria).

As a teacher or choreographer, he has worked with many dance companies, schools and dance festivals, including DV8, Carte Blanche, The Juilliard School, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris et de Lyon, New Zealand School of Dance, New Zealand Dance Company, Gothenburg Opera Dance Company, Korea National University of Arts, Dance School of Shangai Theatre Academy, KHiO Oslo, Skånes Dance Theater (Sweden), Codarts Rotterdam, Steps on Broadway, Dance New Amsterdam and Peridance in New York, Palucca Schule in Dresden (Germany), Balettakademien Göteborg (Sweden), The Hartt University USA, The Place in London, Marameo in Berlin, Stadttheater Bern (Switzerland), the Royal Ballet School in Holstebro (Denmark), Willi Dorner (Austria), University of Stavanger (Norway), Iceland Dance Company, NorrDans (Sweden), Laterna magica in Prague, Losers Cirque Company (CZ) and many other.

How dancers describe J. Cemereks teaching:By embracing individual physicality he forces you to the uncomfortable, to the unstable. He forces you to evolve. To grow. And that is what you want to do if you are to take dancing seriously. “ or “The sequences and choreographies we were taken through were very varied in their feel, style, and speed. I was exposed to a ton of different material and how Jarek can keep all of these choreographies in his head and without hesitation present new material after new material amazes me. “

From dance critiques: “But it is Void, made by Jarek Cemerek (…) that best tells of these dancers’ brave gifts. (…)The piece is superbly danced, and unforgettable. Must see.” (Clement Crisp, Finantial Times);  In “Footholds,” the final premiere, Mr. Cemerek, a Czech choreographer, incorporates hip-hop and contact improvisation to create a scene of falling, rolling and curving bodies, (..) with a tender and agile touch, reveals the struggle of what it takes to hold onto your culture (…) there is a standout section in which seven men use movement as a way to change their personas.” (Gia Kourlas, The New York Times)

INFO o Jarkovi Cemerekovi ZDE


ProART Festival 2020

Plzeň 11. - 12. 7.

Contemporary Intensive

