Short Pieces


Mixed Dance Evening of International Choreographers made for Company ProART or Junior ProART Company Evening Programm is composed of these different pieces:

Company ProART -

  • Kaori Ito: Island of no Memories
  • Vangelis Legakis: Sweet Sea Echos
  • Erick Guillard: www.Frauwelt (E-Motions Suites)
  • Gabriel Wong: Excretion (E-Motions Suites)
  • Martin Dvořák: Mother Stood - Never Sent Letters - Endless Flights

Junior ProART Company -

  • Kaolack: Everyday Life
  • Věrka Ondrašíková: Twilight

Videoclip HERE

Short Pieces / performances 2010:

20. 7. 2010 20h - CED Brno - Festival ProART (Sweet Sea Echos, Island of no Memories, Mother Stood, Traces on Sand - Romanov Dance)

24. a 25. 6. od 20 hod., Studio Alt@ - Hala 30, U výstaviště 21, Praha 7
(Eva Klimáčková - Individual Toys/PREMIÉRA, Kaolack: Everyday Life, Martin Dvořák: Me-Moi-Res: DUET, Tancredi´s Tears a Kaori Ito: Island of no Memories)

29. 5. Festival Mezi Ploty, Brno-Černovice
(Martin Dvořák: Endless Flights, Never Sent Letters - sólo, Memoires - sólo)

22. 5. Festival Mezi Ploty, Dobřany u Plzně
(Martin Dvořák: Endless Flights, Never Sent Letters - sólo, Memoires - sólo)

14. 2. Hadivadlo, Brno
(Never Sent Letters, Sweet Sea Echos – Endless Flights, Island of no Memories)

26. 1. a 1. 2. Městská knihovna, Praha
(Endless Flights, Twilight, Never Sent Letters - Everyday Life, Sweet Sea Echos)

Everyday Life (Junior ProART Company)
Choreography: Pape Ibrahima Ndiaye – Kaolack /Senegal/
Performing: Babčanová Natália, Budová Alice, Dynková Anna, Knebortová Barbora, Kohoutová Jana, Krčálová Tereza , Kuncová Tereza, Štěpánková Markéta, Vejrová Libuše, Valentová Žaneta
This story is my story.... it is your story.... it is the story of a person next to you...waiting at the bus stop...tram station...on the platform when you missed your metro.

I am a happy kid...I am the depressed one....
I am STRESS and I am FEAR.
I am melancholic...the handicapped and homeless one...
I am LOVE and I am HATE.

I am the one who is watching you when you are not looking

Endless Flights (Company ProART)
Performing: Lenka Kolářová a Petr Kolář
Choreography: Martin Dvořák
Music: Gustavo Santaolalla, Ryuichi Sakamoto
If we were able to turn back time and change a little bit from the past, would it influence our upcoming future? Would it be a step forward or just a step back? We do not have this option a most likely never will, let us live for today then. It is the only one we are able to change. This duet oversees an abyss of four years where it came from. It is a look back, but above all it is a discovery of new perspectives that the future may have a different, unexpected meaning. We only changed the point of view. Why don’t you change yours? … in looking at yourself and close ones around you. You are about to experience a flight to the unknown.

Twilight (Junior ProART Company)
Choreography: Věra Ondrašíková and dancers
Performing: Babčanová Natália, Budová Alice, Ctiborová Martina, Knebortová Barbora, Kuncová Tereza
Světlo se oddělilo od tmy, střep od skla, duše od těla…

Sweet Sea Echos (Company ProART)
Choreography: Vangelis Legakis and dancers
Music: Mathew Orange
Performing: Irene Bauer, Martin Dvořák, Mirka Prokešová, Marek Svobodník
Do memories bring us where we are at present? How this present constructs an imaginable future worth living for?

Never Sent Letters (Company ProART)
Music: J. S. Bach (Suites for violoncello)
Choreography: Martin Dvořák
Performing: Lenka Kolářová and Martin Dvořák
Six Dance Confessions for Man and Woman

Me-Moi-Res: DUET (Company ProART)
Choreography: Martin Dvořák
Performing: Martin Dvořák a Mirka Prokešová
Duration: 13 min.
Memories on love without answers, love crying and praying – "Each night the fear quivers, then embodies in desire, you are my love, my youth, we love what fades away. Where truth lies, do you know? There is no certainty to be found – life is errant as a forest – for the first time, last time today. Each night, my dear, I was losing a piece of my heart, no fear, I will not weep, don’t want to be cowardly. Let the windstorm roar, let the flames glare, the more life is unrelenting the more I am loving it. The great awe, it might teach me to live my life, and from the faraway the blue resonates fear, which embodies in desire. Perhaps tonight, who can tell, will fill us with its desire, perhaps that is why it is so beautiful, perhaps life-giving, perhaps killing. Perhaps tonight, who can tell, our paths will disjoin. Perhaps when blue days come, fear will embody in love."

