Helena Arenbergerová
Gained her basic dance education at Art School in Prague, at The Academy of Performing Arts inPrague and Domino Dance Company. Her understanding of body and performing has been developedthanks to various international workshops of contemporary and ballet dance, physical theatre, voice,yoga, tai-chi and massages. Graduated from social history at Faculty of Philosophy and Arts atCharles University in Prague.
As freelance dancer-performer has cooperated mainly with: Cie.Laroque, Vertedance, 420People,Dot504, Linda Kapetanea and Jozef Fruček, Yuri Korec, Jarek Cemerek, Thomas Steyaert and AnnaSynková, earlier with Willi Dorner, I.M.Popovici, R.Tirpák, Jan Kodet. In 2010 participated in 5 weekslong research workshop of DV8 Physical Theatre. As a performer for Akram Khan took part in TheLondon 2012 Opening Ceremony.
Teaches contemporary dance at Janáčkova Conservatory in Ostrava, private dance studios in Pragueand has led workshops in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
Class description (weekly courses in Prague)
We will start warming up our body part by part, noticing breathing, gradually developing potential ofour body.During short and longer movement sequences on the floor, standing on the spot or movingin the space we will focus on basic principles (supports points, the opposition, weight, fall, suspension,spiral, initiation and graduality of movement), next on effectivity, quality of movement and linking itwith our breathing. While moving we will discover different movement qualities and musicality. We willplay games developing sense of rythm and stimulating brain activity. Our meeting will end up with softstretching and relaxation. The class supports proper breathing, active body posture, flexibility of joints,elasticity of muscles and coordination. Takes place in a friendly atmosphere with individual approach.