ProART Company shows 2021:
4., 11., 18. and 25. 3. 18:00 - 19:00: CVIČME V RYTME - online dance classes by Daniel Záboj and Morgan Reid
13. 3. 20:00 BRNO, Vila Loew Beer: ONLINE OFF II. - Czech-German Dance Project
15. 3. 20:00 PRAHA, Werichova vila: V obýváku u Wericha - Simona Babčáková ONLINE
22. 3. 20:00 Another JAN - online stream
ProART Creation 2020
Photo: Mila Vašíčková
Czech-German Dance Project of ProART Company (CZ) and Phase-Zero Production (DE)
Choreography and dance: Martin Dvořák, Tine a Morgan Reid, Kristýna Křemenáková
Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, Sonority and Morgan Reid
CHOPIN_SAND: Milostné preludium
Experimental-classical drama-movement creations about mermaids and fairies across cultures and time. Authors and performers: Martin Dvořák, Lucie Hrochová, Jan Hanák - SONORITY (music), Jindra Rychlá (costumes)
Photo: Tereza Sikorová
Česká televize - Události v regionech 20. 11. 2019
Media reports:
Události v regionech ČT 25. 6. 2019
Události v kultuře ČT Art 25. 6. 2019
Recenze Brno - Město hudby 28. 6. 2019
BROKEN LIVES: Přervané životy
Foto: M. Vašíčková
ProART Festival 2019
Photo: Jan Vrba
EMA DESTINN_Storm and Peace
Dance-opera-theatre piece about Ema Destinn in the Villa Tugendhat.
Musical theatre in coproduction of ProART Company (CZ) and Tanzkompanie Golde G. (DE)
9. 2. 2020 / Olomouc, Divadlo hudby + 10. 2. and 9. 3. 2020 20:00 / Brno, Villa Tugendhat
ProART Festival Evening Programm 2019 HERE

Foto: M. Babic

Foto: M. Vašíčková
Encounter in the Glassroom 2018
Tomáš Halík in Brno 5. 12. 2018
Short film made by Oskar Stolín based on the project Amid Fragility with Lenka Dusilová
ProART Company: Torch of Freedom at the UPROSTŘED Festival in Brno 21. 8. "Ocupation 1968"

Foto: Radek Sy
ProART Festival 2018
Festival Student´s Gala at the Castle Valtice 28. 7.
Freedom for Arts_Arts for Freedom
Encounter in the Glassroom 2018
15. May 2018 (Guest: Tereza Boučková)
Fairy Tales in the Villa / Bithday of Infanta
24. - 26. 1. 2018 - Brno, Besední dům
Review Město hudby 25. 1. 2018
29. 1. a 12. 2. 2018 - Brno, Villa Tugendhat
Review Taneční aktuality 5. 2. 2018
ProART Festival 2017
As an Earth without art would be just ,,Eh"... Our country without ProART - without Martin and professional dancers and artists as a guest leaders/lectors - willing to put their energy into something they have no idea what to expect, to create in such a short time a whole performance with such a power and colourful sort of people, that would be sad world without inspiration. No joy. Nothing. Thanks to both of you! Have a great courage and energy to bring such days to our lives in a future!