6-Tage-Rennen - "Helden Haft"


Company ProART is developing international cooperation with Tanzcompany Ivanovic.Clan (D) and Verein zur Förderung der Tanzbühne Dresden (D) and Palucca Schule Dresden (D). Choreographic exchange in the triangle Dresden-Prague-Essen in March 2008 gives rise to three short dance works, which we present in the common evening. Each of the choreographers (Jelena Ivanovic, Martin Dvořák, Julius Nesterova) works with dancers from other cities. The theme of "Helden Haft" - have a common heroism, told them just two days before the start of week intensive creative process.

Photogallery HERE

Performances 2008:

20. 4. festival Tanzbühne Dresden - opening night

22. 4. festival Tanzbühne Dresden

17. 7. festival ProART Brno

20. 7. festival ProART Praha

5. 9. festival 638 Kilo Tanz und weitere Delikatessen Essen - last show




