LANDSCAPE OF (MY) SOUL the jubilee of Marta Vančurová.

DSC05856Photo: Jiří Jelínek

A tale of love and life in its varied forms with the lyrical poems of Jan Skácell, presented by actress Marta Vančurová, with the dance-music performance of Martin Dvořák and the violin duo ECH! (Jitka Břízová, Vojtěch Drahoňovský).


DSC05612DSC05462DSC05638Photo: Jiří Jelínek
"Chci to slyšet.
Bůhví co mne nutí.
Ale musím čekat na cinknutí,
jinak by se moje srdce bálo."
Jan Skácel

2. 10. and 13. 11. 20:00 Villa Tugendhat in Brno

Foto-8Foto-6Foto-9Photo: Ondřej Vraštil

We will tell you a story that has never happened and only just everything has already been here. Poems enchanted by love. Music full of life´s emotions. Dance in maelstrom of words and hope.

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Financial support: State Culture Fund and City Brno