ProART Festival Program 2013


PRAHA 28. 7. - 4. 8.

NoD = Experimentální prostor Roxy / NoD, Dlouhá 33

  • Su 28. 8. / 20:00 / NoD

Liat Dror / Liat Dror Nir Ben Gal Dance Company (IL): ZEN DANCE

Choreography: Liat Dror

Music: Iva Bittová

Dance: Shiri Teicher, Shiri Bar On, Michal Arazi, Yair Lisaey, Avital Ifargan, Eliran Silver

Sometimes you have to let things be as they are, not interfere, like taking a step back and take a deep breath. Look at them for a moment as they are and not as we think they should be. Give direction to the word, action, movement and allow circuits around them just to be.

Sometimes we can be side to side, just like that, like two trees on the avenue, without coveting, without wanting something. - Sometimes things are just the way they are.

  • Mo 29. 7. / 20:00 / NoD

Félix Duméril / T 4 2 Dance Projects (CH): MUKASHI MUKASHI

Choreography: Misato Inoue & Félix Duméril in collaboration with the dancers

Dance: Misato Inoue, Félix Duméril, Michel Pascault, Nina Stadler

This piece is largely inspired by fairy tales, where characters operate on a fantastic level. Plants, animals and stars have the ability to speak. Transformations are used as punishment or reward. Even though fairy tales are fantastical they are still relevant today – people and things are not always what they seem. Even the people who are close to us can sometimes surprise us. Do we ever really know who are neighbours are – or even ourselves? We all have the capacity for good and evil and go through life playing various roles, adjusting to new circumstances and situations in order to survive.

  • Tu 30. 7. / 20:00 / NoD

Anet Fröhlicher / Cie El Contrabando (CH): ON_LINE__

Choreography: Anet Fröhlicher

Music composition: Abdullah Benabdallah

Dance: Bella La Paloma, Anja Preuss, Anna Natt, Raphaela Stern

In a stage installation with four washing machines on work, the dancers move about online. Swimming in the business society, driven by washing powder. The pulsating of the stock exchange, of the world of fashion and business with their ups and downs as the pulse for the dance. Kick and crash – the dynamic of the stock exchange, cocaine, flamenco. The production begins with a stock exchange bolero, a slow choreography that steadily builds, everyday life at the stock exchange with a crash, danced on the operating washing machines. Then the wash program changes. The bodies go through a wash program of circumstances. The running washing machines as metaphors for the uninterrupted online status. The drum of the machine comparable to a person’s brain. The washing machines as platforms for the brokers, catwalks for the models, stages for the dancers. Streaked and illuminated by white neon lights, they convey the image of a world of design and lifestyle.

  • We 31. 7. / 20:00 / NoD

Martin Dvořák - Isira Makuloluwe / ProART Company (CZ): STRING QUARTETS

Choreography: Martin Dvořák, Isira Makuloluwe

Dance: Irene Bauer, Martin Dvořák, Alena Pajasová, Mirka Prokešová, Robin Sobek

A new contemporary dance-theatre project from choreographers Martin Dvořák (CZ/A) and Isira Makuloluwe (CL/P) inspired by three literary works of Tolstoy / Janáčková / Neruda and performed with live music of three string quartets composed by Janáček / Ištvan.

All the literary, musical and choreographic works of the evening were created in different times and under different circumstances. Our goal is to find among them the elements that unite them. The audience therefore cannot follow a linear story with a clear beginning and end, nor three independent works. It is entirely up to the viewer's imagination which images and mutual connections will reveal in our evening. Only one thing is clear. The existence of these connections which are like the strings of a violin, viola and cello. These strings tie together emotions, thoughts and energy of people living and working in different times. They create an imaginary circle of  "passing" artistic creation, from which only time can turn them into relative earthly eternity and "permanent" artistic legacy.

  • Th 1. 8. / 20:00 / NoD

Nir Ben Gal / ProART Company (CZ): JAN

Choreography: Nir Ben Gal

Dance: Martin Dvořák, Irene Bauer, Alena Pajasová, Mirka Prokešová

Our history is full of violence and resistance to oppression. Is violence the only way to fight the repression? Is it possible to look for a different way? A lot of times the violence, oppression and resistance can be found in my face, in my body, my intent and not as an external factor like in a cruel regime or occupying power. With dance, lets try to find ways to love without resistance. Move without suppression. This piece is dedicated to the memory of Jan Palach.


Hae Kyung Lee / LHK&ISUM Dance Company (KOR): SMALL CHAT: Vol. 2 - Welcoming the Moon

Choreography: Hae Kyung Lee

Music Director : Myung Whun Choi

Dance: Ho Keun Kim, Bo Yeon Kim, Ye Seui Hwang, A Yung Choi, Kwan Zi Kim, Won Kuk Shin

LHK&ISUM Dance Company was founded in 2004 by Hae Kyung Lee. She is one of the best Korean choreographers who was awarded “Special Artist Prize” in 2010 by Korea Arts Critics Council.

ISUM focuses on “Creating Contemporary Dance with the Identity”. ISUM has been trying to make a harmony and a balance between the humorous elements of Korean traditional Dance and contemporary dance."I made "Small Chat" for talking about what I want to say during my choreographer career. This work is organized with 6 short pieces. All pieces have same motive of “Chat”. I try to represent this word from multiple point of view. I like and create kind of fusion of Korean traditional dance with contemporary dance style." This new version of "Small Chat" has at ProART Festival 2013 its World Premiere.

Synopsis: 1. Welcoming the Moon 2. Romeo & Juliet (Korean Version) 3. Spider 4. Chat 5. Hide & Seek 6. Hunting the Moonshine

  • Fr 2. 8. / 20:00 / NoD

Martin Dvořák - Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz: SFIDA FURIOSO / Who is Me? (ProART Creation 2013)

Choreography and dance: Martin Dvořák

Music and composition: Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz

Two independent artists – a dancer, choreographer and a composer, musician – meet on one stage with a topic of Piere Paolo Pasolini, his life and art. Italian writer, poet, screenwriter, director and rebel paid the highest price for his uncompromising life philosophy. His work, however, timelessly inspires and challenges to more art reflections, thoughts and contemplating about the sense of art work, sources of inspiration, doubts of the author, internal power to overcome them and the need to share something. “Furious resistance” is about the attempt of an individual to be one-self.


Dino Verga - Tiziano Bedetti / Aton - Dino Verga Danza (I) : KISETSU NO IRO / The Colour of the Seasons

Choreography and direction: Dino Verga

Original music: Tiziano Bedetti

Dance: Stefania Brugnolini, Veronica Cionni, Luca Della Corte, Anna Marinelli, Antonella Pugliese, Luca Russo, Dino Verga

This work begun with the idea of integrating the European cultures, religions and traditions among peoples and approaching the East with the West. The author transposes the theme music of the seasons as a metaphor for life and human vicissitudes: spring (childhood), summer (adolescence), autumn (maturity) and winter (old). The orchestration combining traditional Eastern European and also on the staff including some traditional instruments such as Japanese taiko percussion, gongs, the naruko, the temple blocks and sounds of the koto and shamisen. A relationship between solids and voids, spaces and sudden silences and colorful tableau vivents entrusted to the creativity of Dino Verga, master heir to the American School of Merce Cunningham.

  • Sa 3. 8. / 18:00 / NoD


3 festival searching projects of Nir Ben Gal (dance) - Renáta Podlipská (singing) - Viktorie Čermáková (acting)

  • Sa 3. 8. / 20:00 / NoD


Performing: Irene Bauer (A), Nir Ben Gal (IL), Viktorie Čermáková (CZ), Félix Dumeril (CH), Martin Dvořák (CZ/A), Adam Georgiev (CZ), Mathieu Guilhaumon (F), Karolina Kroczak (PL), Neil Paris (UK), Renáta Podlipská (CZ), Stanislava Vlčeková (SK), Hana Zanin (CZ/A)

Traditional festival meeting of international teachers in extracts of their repertory in the genres as dance, singing, creative writing and physical theatre.

  • Sa 3. 8. / 16:00 / piazzeta Národního divadla v rámci Fiesty Nové scény

FIND YOUR SPACE - tanečně-pohybový outdoor projekt Felixe Dumerila

Félix Duméril (CH), choreographer and dancer, will be introduced on the piazzeta of the National Theatre, with the support of the New Scene, as part on the Fiesta of the New Scene. Group performance FIND YOUR SPACE is a result of the week workshop whose attendees physically explored various inspiring places around Prague. It is possible to watch the motional performance FIND YOUR SPACE online on:

  • Su 4. 8. / 18:00 / NoD

IMPROVIZACE V PROSTORU - závěrečné gala studentů ProART Festivalu 2013

Gala of the paticipants of festival workshops (dance, drawing, creative writing and photography) under international teachers leading - Irene Bauer, Adam Georgiev, Mathieu Guilhaumon, Karolina Kroczak, Neil Paris, Roman Sejkot, Roman Šolc, Stanislava Vlčeková, Hana Zanin

  • Su 4. 8. / 20:00 / NoD

Irad Mazliah / Zawirowania Dance Theatre (PL): NAVIGATION SONG BD 303

Neznají svou polohu na moři, nemají kompas, jedinou pomůckou jim je navigační píseň... Navigační písně sloužily rybářským komunitám, jimž chyběly odborné prostředky k určení přesné polohy na moři. Tento primitivní prostředek navigace pochází ze slova, jež v sobě skrývá příběh, má svou vlastní melodii a tempo ve způsobu přežití. Na základě příběhů rybářů vracejících se domů, Navigation Song BD 303 přistupuje k tématu Kainova prokletí a bloudění bezdomovce do věčnosti. Představení navozuje momenty lidské proměny: filozofii lidskosti podle Erasma a myšlenku nového Evropana představovanou Stefanem Zweigem v jeho literatuře. V krocích tanečníků vyjadřuje choreograf svou vlastní životní zkušenost. Narozen v Kanadě, s kořeny v Izraeli, nakonec nalezl svůj domov, rodinu a kreativní zázemí v Polsku. Tanečníci nabízí publiku krátkou cestu od pohodlí ovládnutého prostředí a anonymity sedadla k hluboké zábavě za použití prostředků empatie, vášně a pochybností.

Choreographer: Irad Mazliah

Dancing: Korina Kordova, Bartosz Figurski, Szymon Osiński

They do not know their position on the sea… They do not have a compass. The only tool they have is navigation song… Navigation songs were used by fishing communities lacking sophisticated means of attaining the true position on the sea. This primitive instrument of navigation comprises from word, that tells a story, has its own tempo and melody in means of survival.

On the base of fishermen’s stories coming back home, NAVIGATION SONG BD 303 approaches the topic of Cain's curse and the homeless wander to eternity. The spectacle recalls moments of human change: the philosophy of humanity by Erasmus, and the idea of  the new European presented in Stephan Zweig’s literature.

By the dancers’ journey the choreographer expresses his own experiences. Born in Canada, with Israeli origins he finally settles down in Poland creating a home and family in a new land. The dancers offer the audience a short voyage from the comfort of the controlled environment and anonymity of the seat to deep entertainment by means of empathy, passion and doubt.