Festival 2007
Searching project 2007 - Brno - AUREA
Brno performances 2007
Performances Prague 2007
Photos Brno 2007
Photos Prague 2007
Fourth year of the international festival and creative ateliers under the leadership of recognised pegagogues, active artists, who will present theit works during the evening performances. Optional number of selected lessons, wide offer for all levels from beginners to advanced dancers. One week intensive searching projects under the leadership of choreographers Erick Guillard (F) and Martin Dvořák (CZ).
Come spend your active artistic vacation in Prague or Brno, two breathtaking metropolises in the heart of Europe. All lessons and theatre performances are located in the centers of the cities. Accommodation avaliable in a walking distance from the studios for very favourable prices.
All informations, prices, schedules and application conditions you can find in applications (PDF) on this site.PROGRAMME.pdf
24. - 29. 6. 2007 WEINBERG / Application.pdf
WEINBERG castle(austria)
Schloß Weinberg Landesbildungszentrum Intensive six-days dancing workshop, master classes of opera singing o one-day photo workshop. All in the romatic environment of a castle near Linz (A). Sessions in small groups, creative lessons of contemporary dancing techniques. Accommodation and food available in the castle. Come to relax to the beautiful country of Oberösterreich.
Pedagogs of dance creative workshops:
Šoltys Vladislav-Benito (SK), Dvořák Martin (CZ), Klimáčková Eva (SK), Livingston Gregory (USA), Vraný Martin (CZ)
Beranová Kateřina (CZ) - opera Sejkot Roman (CZ) - photo - Application.pdf
13. - 20. 7. 2007 BRNO / Application.pdf
workshops - Národní divadlo Brno
performances and seraching project - Hadivadlo Brno
Searching / Application: Competition.pdf
Dvořák Martin (CZ) - choreographie
Alena Leja (D) - singing
Ilja Sibbor (D)- dijeridoo
Workshops - preliminary scheme of classes:
Beláková Sisa (SK) - jazzdance
Doláková Michaela (CZ) - pantomime
Hasa Nadia-Karine (F) - modern dance
Havlíkovi Eduard a Renata - Pilates
Klimáčková Eva (SK) - contact improvization
Trottier Eric (Can) - contemporary dance
Vlniešková Katarína (SK) - Limon
Wagner Erik (USA) - ballet
Wong Gabriel (Malaysia) - contemporary - floorwork
Kalousová Kamila (CZ) - acting
Fišarová Radka (CZ) - pop singing
Sejkot Roman (CZ) - photography - Application.pdf
22. - 29. 7. 2007 PRAGUE / Application.pdf
workshops - ČOS - Tyršův dům, Újezd 450, Praha 1
Searching project - Municipal bibliothek theater, Mariánské náměstí, Prague 1 - Map of locations
Searching / Application: Competition.pdf
dance searching project - Guillard Erick (F)
theatre searching project - Ondříček Igor (CZ)
Workshops - preliminary scheme of classes:
Béye Ciré (Senegal) - afro-dance
Doláková Míša (CZ) - pantomima
Dvořák Martin (CZ) - new dance
Guillhaumon Mathieu (F) - jazzdance
Hasa Nadia-Karine (F) - modern dance
Havlík Eduard (CZ) - power yoga
Havlíková Renata (CZ) - Pilates
Kaolack (Senegal) - afro-dance
Kolářová Lenka (CZ) - tai-chi
Kripas Nina (A) - hip-hop, break dance
Wong Gabriel (Malaysia) -.contemporary - floorwork
Wagner Erik (USA) - balet
Sychra Filip (CZ) - acting
Fišarová Radka (CZ) - pop singing
Izdný Ondřej (CZ) - pop singing
Židlický David (CZ) - photography - Application.pdf
Ivanovic Jelena (D) + Müller Dominik (D) - tango
Zanin-Pauknerová Hana (D/CZ) - dance with and without handicap
Workshops and searching project
All details, schedules of the lessons, application forms are in progress. If you like to be informed by e-mail, apply for this on a office@proart-festival.cz